Leadership and Management
by College of Public Speaking
Over two days, packed full of insight, interaction and learning, you will make significant progress towards becoming a better leader and a more effective manager. Book now.

Course Overview
Over two days, packed full of insight, interaction and learning, you will make significant progress towards becoming a better leader and a more effective manager of people.
This course is for you if you:
want to learn what it takes to be a great leader who is able to enlist others into your vision and strategy
want to create and manage a great team that is engaged, highly productive and feels the value
want to find a way to motivate yourself and others even when times are tough
want to foster an environment of openness, flexibility and resilience
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Course Information
Course Summary
Only 30% of Leaders and Managers find joy in their work. It's stressful, long hours, lack of support, inexperienced colleagues, complex projects, constant uncertainty, constant meetings, low funding, negative outcomes - it never ends.
Why do 30% often excel in their work? What are they doing that gets them stellar results? You too can navigate this complex path and transcend yourself and your outcomes.
Take a two-minute tour of this page and see if it's the course that will change your personal and professional destiny. If it is, send us a message from the Contacts page or sign up directly on a scheduled date (at the top of the page). I look forward to working with you - Banu.
Today’s leader or manager is time-poor with an unending to-do list. A fast-changing external environment necessitates organisations to be proactive, innovative and prepared for change.
As organisational structures evolve, becoming a flatter and more group-based, so must the way leaders communicate their vision and manage people.
To bring to life the concepts you'll be learning during the two days, consider the case study below.
Summit Tradition Systems (STS) is a small software provider with clients all around the world. Mark is the CEO and founder who created the company 25 years ago. He leads a strong team of senior executives, most of whom have remained with the firm since its inception.
STS has grown rapidly over the past five years, especially after it bought an interesting new technology platform from a rival company. Its rapid growth was great for profits but it's put a lot of strain on the team.
There is a need to hire more people but everyone is too busy to spend time training or nurturing new talent. Mark understands the importance of training and mentoring in the workplace and wants to find a way to create a culture where it becomes part of the firm’s DNA. It also reduces the reliance on a few key people in the business.
Mark’s also looking ahead to the next five years by which time he and his co-founders will be looking to retire or at least go part-time. He’s keen to start his succession planning and ensure a seamless transition occurs when the time is right.
Anita is currently Head of Client Relationships and has shown outstanding skills in leading her team to new business wins with excellent client feedback. She’s been with the company from the outset and understands its culture. Mark sees her potential for progress and wants to prepare her for greater involvement in strategic decisions.
Jay is a young salesman who joined the firm three years ago. He’s great with clients and has a track record of consistently high-performance. Mark sees potential in Jay to take on more responsibility and lead a sales team. He hopes that he will recruit more salespeople like him and nurture them to become high performers too. It means he does less selling and more people management.
Let’s take a look at some of the adjustments Mark, Anita and Jay will need to make as they engineer a slow transition from their current roles to their new ones.
If you could start your business again with a blank canvas - how would it look?
Who would be sitting around the table? What would be your company vision? What would be your top priorities?
Day 1: What it takes to become a great leader and manager
Leaders and managers serve different purposes. Our world needs both. In the words of management guru Peter Drucker, Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
You'll learn:
- why leadership comes first and understand what it means to be a leader. Anita will have to transition from executing on an agreed strategy to becoming the person who leads the vision and the mission for the business. How to start with yourself, i.e. understand self-leadership and its importance to your success as an influencer. Anita will have to learn how to interact, communicate and influence her team in a way that turns them into believers and followers.
- how to transition from “doing” to “leading”. Jay will have to make this transition from being responsible for his own sales targets to leading a team of salespeople to collectively deliver on their individual sales targets. He may find he misses the adrenalin of making the sale and finds managing a team of people far harder than dealing with customers.
- how to make decisions even when you don’t have all the facts or control over the outcomes. As Anita learns to look at the big picture, she will find that she must take a long view with little certainty. She will have to factor in a number of unknown variables and yet be clear and decisive.
- how to build trust and nurture loyalty in your followers and team members. This may be more of a challenge for Jay than for Anita, but both will be outside their comfort zones and need to find their own way of engaging with the people who work for them.
- why delegation is so important and how to do it well. Delegating well and consistently creates more time for other more value-adding tasks and also gives others a chance to take on more responsibility in a safe way.
- how to create a great team by tapping into complementary skills and through collaboration. Being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses is an important starting point. Not everyone in your team needs to be good at everything. Create an ecosystem that allows people to discover what they’re really good at, and then connect different skillsets in a way that generates value for your clients and for your business.how to give and receive feedback in a constructive manner. Becoming a leader and manager can feel uncomfortable because you have to deal with people’s failings and emotions. Doing so in an empathetic manner will make all the difference.t
- the importance of training, mentoring and coaching and how to create a great return on investment from it. Mark is a thoughtful leader and is willing to invest in the personal and professional development of his people. He’s created a network on internal mentors and encourages his staff to join external mentorship programmes to accelerate their personal and professional growth. As a result of this, his firm has low staff turnover.
- how to overcome setbacks and resolve conflicts. Learning to deal with conflict (internal or external) and avoiding any escalation can save business costs and time. It is also better for the mental wellbeing of the people who work there.
Day 2: How to practice the art of great leadership and management
On the second day, you'll reflect on the previous day's work and discover how it can be put into practice in real-time, in the real world with real people who have complex needs, aspirations and priorities.
You'll learn:
- how to practise assertiveness without it turning into aggression. Becoming a leader or team manager is a position of great responsibility and can be lonely. Not everyone in your team will agree with you, or like you. Yet, your job is to make tough decisions in a professional manner even if it is not popular.
- how to say “no” without offending or creating conflict. Your time is limited and precious. First, understand what you’re saying “yes” to. This will make it easier to know what to say “no” to in the most constructive possible way.
- the power of language and how to use it effectively as a leader. Clear and consistent internal communication is key to a business running smoothly. You can communicate your vision, your strategy, the progress and also any setbacks in a way that keeps the team pulling in the same direction. The language you use will make all the difference.
- how to elicit employee engagement in the workplace. Happy and engaged employees are significantly more productive than their unhappy counterparts. It makes economic sense to actively create workplace happiness.
- how to empower employees through acknowledgement, autonomy and accountability. You will learn simple ways in which to achieve greater engagement by how you treat people and how you make them feel.
- how to motivate, not manipulate. Jay will have to find out what motivates every individual member of his team because not every one of them will be motivated by the same things. Salary is not a primary motivator. A leader’s job is even tougher. How do you get the best out of a disparate group of talented people who don’t want to be managed?
- how to avoid, identify and treat burn out. Recognising the signs of burn out is always easier after the event and can be very expensive. Being proactive means taking the necessary steps to alleviate stress and deal with those affected by it in a sensitive and non-patronizing way.
- how to create an actionable plan that you can take with you into your workplace and practise what you learnt right away.
Take action now!
If this is the course that will change your personal and professional destiny. If it is, send us a message from the Contacts page or sign up directly on a scheduled date (at the top of the page). I look forward to working with you - Banu.
Hear what some of Banu's inspired students said about the course below:
In summary:
Specialist trainers: friendly, qualified and empathetic
Quality and easily accessible venues at King's Cross and Holborn, London
Outstanding outcomes
Question 1: What is critical for you to resolve right now?
Question 2: What's going to happen if you don't sort it out?
This is an ideal course for young managers and leaders. Adopting the correct mindset, the correct language and creating the correct relationships with colleagues and clients is essential to success. In two short days, your daily work can change from chaos to clarity. That will be a huge benefit to you and your company colleagues.
For more details, click on the Contact tab on the right of the page, or to sign up you can scroll to the top of the page and the details are on the right.
I really enjoyed Banu’s two-day leadership and management course. I was pleasantly surprised by the focus being on an individual’s values and behaviours and broadening its implications out into the business world. I have found a lot of conflicts both in myself and my work. I think I now have some new tools to help reassess myself. There was a fun atmosphere in class and I think we all enjoyed the relaxed informality of the occasion. Banu shared a lot of personal and relevant stories about her journey as a leader. I never find it easy to talk about myself, but Banu’s open and engaging style has inspired me to broaden my horizons. The course has changed my ideas about leadership and management and it’s encouraged me to be more open as well as reflective in my leadership style.Adrian
Banu's course was really insightful and helped me to reflect on my personal and career goals as a leader. As a manager of a project, I don’t have much time to reflect on my leadership style and this allowed me to understand and learn strategies to be a better leader. She was an excellent facilitator and she created a safe space for the participants to speak openly about their behaviours and attitudes. Not only did she highlight the best qualities of great leaders but she also gave us strategies and techniques to apply this to our personal and working life. I came away from the 2-day course with a range of action points that I can apply immediately to make myself a better leader and support my team to be the best that they can. This was a great opportunity and I've turned a corner in my understandings.Fiona
I thoroughly enjoyed Banu's leadership and management course last week. I now find myself in a leadership for the first time and I haven't felt comfortable yet. The course helped a lot in giving me tools and techniques to work with. I found a number instantly implementable ideas, just in discussions with my colleagues in class. Banu's style was really relaxed and conversational and the activities were relevant and fun. Focussed discussions really helped me to find solutions. There was a lot of experience in the room and the discussions among the group were top quality. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Thanks Banu.James
Thoroughly enjoyed the course. I was the oldest delegate and I was glad to see how this discipline has moved on since the early 90s when I last did a course like this. This was much more about personal values and emotional intelligence and building great relationships. It used to be about authority and telling people what to do and by when. I got a lot from this training and I can see more personal opportunities and growth arising from this experience.Geoffrey Sands
We offer a totally confidential service and encourage liaising with clients before they consider booking courses. We recognise the significant investment in your time and resources. We accept your tight timescales and eagerness to take the next steps. Our payment options are practical and simple. For your security, we hold no client payment details online. With ever sophisticated cybercrime, your safety and security are paramount.
Our Guarantee
The College of Public Speaking is the UK's leading specialist public speaking organisation. All of our trainers are not just qualified in their field, but passionate specialists who live and thrive in that sphere. Our guarantee is that you'll enjoy a great learning experience at our course centre in King's Cross. The venue is a 10-minute walk from the London Underground, British Rail, and the Eurostar terminals. Accessibility is key - so come and join us within the next month. Check our Offers page to see what's hot this month.
"An exceptionally useful day's training, delivered in a positive and personanable manner, very enjoyable and significant food for thought. Thank You."
"The anxiety is gone - now that I understand it. Not only can I make a presentation - I feel I have so much to give now. It's quite a transformation."
"Since attending the course, I feel like a completely different person; more confident, relaxed and easy going. I gave a speech at work last week and it went so so well."